Here you'll find some of my favourite links.
But my first
link just absolutely has to be to every girl's home on the web
Susan Marques TG Directory Here you'll find
girls from all around the world
E-groups Lots of T-friendly groups: try TransUK or
And here some
friends I've met on the web. Why not visit them as well? They'd
love to hear from you!
Alyson's Attic Our webmistress
and cat lover
Morgan A real cat lover with lots of cat plus
lots of TG links
Edith Bennett Bellamy A truly gorgeous site with
stories too!
Helena Une amie
française. You just have to visit her photo gallery
Julia A really lovely girl with lots of great
Pamela A delightful Scots girl (just like me,
What every girl
loves to do is go shopping - me too! So here are some great TG
shops. If you need to a new hair-door or that special something,
why not try one of these:
Doreen Fashions One of my
favorite shops
Hide and Sleek For all you other Scots girls out there
LadyB Wear Another ab-fab
But to be honest I usually shop here:
Marks and Spencer's Honest! It's great and they'r usually
T-friendly. Or persuade the man in your life to buy you a little
Remember to shemail me: [email protected]